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Sunday, July 1, 2018

Sunday, July 1, 2018

Today was my first day of exercises from runbetteracademy. There were (7) exercises related to general fitness. I did each for 45 seconds.

Overall Thoughts:  I was pretty familiar with all the exercises, and I do them sometimes, but I have no consistency in the way I approach them. I'm sure that having Matt to hold me accountable will motivate me to be consistent with whatever he gives me.

  • I'm no fan of jumping jacks and the jumping jacks hurt my knee. I've got a new knee brace.  Maybe I'll give it a try.
  • I learned a new exercise: bridge walkouts. I'll probably post a video of it tomorrow. I liked that one a lot.
  • Mountain climbers suck, but we all know that.
  • I love my slide disks, so I used them for the side lunges
I added a few exercises:
  • My usual five hip exercises,
  • (3) sets of 20 leg raises (10 fast/10 hold for three seconds), &
  • (1) 1-minute plank.
I was a little sore from yesterday's run, so I'm glad that today was a rest day. I'm scared of Tuesday. It is my first serious run. I haven't run fast in a looong time.