Today is a scheduled rest day, but I intend to do my hip exercises. My toes are hurting a little.
I finished a book about training recently. The reviews is as follows.
Peak Performance: Elevate Your Game, Avoid Burnout, and Thrive with the New Science of Success by Brad Stulberg
My rating: 3 of 5 stars
I purchased Peak Performance as an audiobook. I like to listen to audiobooks when I run. I couldn’t get into it while I ran, so I listened to it during my commute. The book is worth the $2 or $3 dollars I paid, but it was disappointing. I didn’t learn much. Half of the book seemed to be trying to convince athletes to train hard and then rest. I think all serious athletes know the value of rest. I even named the blog Run, Rest, Repeat. The value of rest is well documented. Another theme was that athletes should find a goal that transcends self. People can can push their bodies past perceived limits if they have a goal other than themselves. Again, most people know that Momma Bear can lift a car if her babies are trapped underneath. The authors actually told a car lifting story. On this topic though, the authors offered some practical advice on helping athletes figure out their goal. They even included worksheets (I think). I have the audio version, so I may have to go back and listen more carefully with a pen and paper handy.
Most of the book was a compilation of information that serious athletes already know, but I learned two new things. The first was that taking a walk break during intellectual activity is more effective than a sitting break. The second was that your brain treats looking at pictures of nature for six minutes almost the same as it treats actually sitting in a park for the same amount of time. Those two facts alone were worth three stars to me. If you haven’t read a lot of other training books, this book could be 4 or 5 stars.
View all my reviews
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