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Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Challenging Tuesday, 4/18/2018

Trouble is brewing, but I'm on it. My right quadricep is compromised in some way. It hurts just about all the time. I’m working on some rehab. My left foot is giving me some trouble, too. I took yesterday off to try and facilitate some healing. This morning I was supposed to do some strength work at MP-10, but, believe it or not, my watch wasn’t charged. I ended up running easy. As I was walking out the house, I was having trouble putting me key in my pocket. I realized my tights were on inside out. I changed the tights and went back out to realize that I only had one glove on. Really... Tomorrow is a SRD. Thursday, I'm coming back fresh.

I am constantly managing foot problems, especially on my right foot, and I've tweaked my foot rolling technique, recently. Here is a demonstration.


  1. Hope your quad is feeling better as well as your left foot! No fun dealing with injury as a runner.
