Welcome to my Run, Rest, Repeat training log and blog. I am a runner, nature lover and fitness enthusiasts. Recently, I underwent a Patellofemoral Joint Replacement (partial knee replacement). I will be discussing my recovery here on this blog as well as discuss all things fitness, food and more. Connect with me on instagram @lindasig_runs.
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Monday, August 17, 2015
Sunday, August 16, 2015
SUN, 8/16/2015 TRAIL
Saturday, August 15, 2015
Aug. 1st-15th REST
My plan was to run about 30 miles from August 9-15th. My body had different plans. Last Tuesday, I was incapacitated by serious stomach cramps, nausea, diarrhea, etc. I thought that I had food poisoning or possibly a virus from Mexico. It got better, but when I finally went to urgent care, the doctor thought it was a bladder infection that might have spread to my kidneys I haven't felt great this week, so I haven't run at all. Everyday, I hope that my side won't be hurting, but everyday it hurts. I will probability run tomorrow, no matter what.
Between August 1-15th, I've run once--the morning route.
Friday, July 31, 2015
FR, 7/31/2015 JULY RECAP
I'm tired, and I think that my body needs a break. I'm not even taking my running shoes to Cabo!
FR, 7/31/2015 EASY
My run kept being interrupted. When I first started, I spotted my neighbor, so I ran back to tell her something. We spoke, and then I continued, but I forgot to start my watch again. I estimated where the 1/2 mile mark was and just started the watch at that spot.
After a short stint, I had to go to the bathroom a little bit, but I assumed that the bathroom at the park would be closed. As I approached the park, I told myself not to stop, but for some reason, I forgot the conversation that I had just had with myself and checked the bathroom anyway. Of course it was locked. Because I stopped, the urge to go increased, so I had to go to the porta pottie.
As soon as I got going again, I spotted an unleashed dog in the distance. I decided to change my route a little to avoid the dog, so I had to wait to cross the street. When I stopped at the hotel, the bathroom was being cleaned.
I just couldn't get into this run. Pace 9:07-total mileage 11.5
Thursday, July 30, 2015
TH, 7/30/2015 REST
The top of my left foot hurts a little. It hurts near the top of my foot where my leg and foot meet (opposite the ankle). The pain is the area that is circled on the pic below. I had planned a neighborhood run, but I will take a rest day and an ibuprofen.
Wednesday, July 29, 2015
WED, 7/29/2015 TRAIL
I got very busy and didn't get a chance to have lunch. By dinner, I was starving, but I managed to hold out without snacking. I did have an ice cream sandwich after dinner, though.
Weirdly, after dinner, I broke out in hives over my chest, underarms and back. Even some on my face. It itched terribly. My DH went and got me some benedryl. Hopefully, I will be fine, tomorrow.
Tuesday, July 28, 2015
TU, 7/28/2015 EASY, 200 Miles Completed
Monday, July 27, 2015
7/27/2015 TRAIL
Sunday, July 26, 2015
7/26/2015 RECOVERY
Saturday, July 25, 2015
SAT, 7/25/2015 Long
Normally, I start my long run with my DH, but his knee is swollen, so he decided not to run with me this morning. I ate a bagel, had coffee and drank 16 oz. of water. I took a Detrol LA, an asthma pill, and an electrolyte. Are you supposed to take an electrolyte before you run? It took forever for me to get out the door. The clothes that I had decided to wear were uncomfortable when I warmed up, so I had to change them. I had to go to the bathroom over and over. I got worried because the frequent bathroom trips were dehydrating me. Maybe I was nervous just thinking about doing such a long run. I don't know what my problem was, but my stomach was upset. I wore the older Cliftons for this part of the run. I would love to somehow get 500 miles out of those shoes. It isn't going to happen. The weather was overcast when I set out, but I could tell it would be sunny before I finished. I kept a pretty good pace on part one. I ran into some friends on a downhill portion and stopped and chatted for a minute. The overall pace was 8:53 which is about as fast as I can expect.
When I got to the house, I took entirely too long. I drank 8 oz. of coconut/pineapple water. It is better than plain coconut, but still nasty. I probably had 4 oz of water and took and electrolyte pill. I already had my raisins and electrolyte set up in the bag, so I didn't have to mess too much with that. I completely changed my clothes and shoes. I put on the newer Cliftons. I warmed up again (only .25) on the TM. All this took at least 20 minutes.
I ran a pretty good pace and ate my raisins at the end of the bike path (turn-around point). I only stopped long enough to get the raisins down. I tried to do the last 3/4 mile at a steady-state pace. Interval 13 was at 7:50. It was a full 1/2 mile and not quite steady-state. The last interval was only .27 miles, but I did reach the steady state pace of 7:40. the over all pace pace from the house to the raisins was 8:49.
I thought that I would try steady-state again since I only had about a mile to the hotel, but I lost my desire to try and didn't even make go of it.
I took a little too long at the hotel. I drank water and took my electrolyte, but I forgot to use the restroom. As soon as I started running, I thought about it, but it was just too much to turn back, so I kept moving forward. Of course, it was a struggle to keep in under a 9:00 minute mile, but I just managed it.
I initially thought that I might do a neighborhood cool-down, but I didn't.
Since I didn't have to avoid a dog this time, the whole experience was a little less running. I almost hit 20 miles last week. This run was 19 in total. The total for the week is 55, and I am on track to complete my goal of 200 for the month. I had no cramping whatsoever, so maybe starting with an electrolyte helps. My knee was bothering a little the whole run. My body is ready for a break.
Friday, July 24, 2015
FRI, 7/25/2015 REST
Thursday, July 23, 2015
TH, 7/23/2015 WALK, EASY
I went out at about noon to do quick trail run. I was very tired. I'm tired of running this week. I'm glad I have a day off tomorrow.
Wednesday, July 22, 2015
Tuesday, July 21, 2015
Monday, July 20, 2015
MON, 7/20/2015 EASY
From the first bike path to the hotel, I was able to keep an easy pace.
At the hotel, I drank my fill of water, took an electrolyte and filled my water bottle. When I left the hotel, I got about one good mile and then I reverted to walk/run. It was a long, awful run home.
Sunday, July 19, 2015
I did the slowest recovery run imaginable. 2.59 miles in 27:31 (pace-10:37) followed by Dynamix (P90X3). I skipped lunges and stopped the DVD at side banana.
Saturday, July 18, 2015
SUN, 7/18/2015 Very Long
I warmed up on the TM for .75 miles, I felt my right knee a little. Since this run starts with an uphill, I think that I will try and consistently warm-up .75 instead of .5 on the TM when I run it. Part 1 of the long run went well. We ran faster than usual keeping a 9:03 pace, overall. The weather was clear and cool.
I stopped home to go to the bathroom, change my shirt, and pack my raisins. I drank 8 oz of coconut/pineapple water and 8 oz of water with an electrolyte pill. I'm pretty sure that drinking so much slows me down, but I haven't had to carry water yet. Because I took so long, I did a quarter mile on the TM before I headed out again.
I ran out of my house down my street and at just about at the end of my street, I spotted, what appeared to be a stray dog. He didn't look menacing, but he looked mangy. I turned around and ran all the way back (up hill). I never recovered my pace after that effort. I couldn't muster an easy pace at all, so I decided to add the bike path for a couple of more miles. I didn't feel bad, but I couldn't go any faster. I stopped after about 3 miles to go to the bathroom. At the very end of the last bike path, I ate my raisins. At the hotel, I had the electrolyte pill. My pace got slower and slower. I started getting cramps in my right upper thigh.
When I got home, I wanted to do a recovery run. I drank some water and even went outside, but I turned back, and didn't do it.
19.75 miles total
Friday, July 17, 2015
FRI, 7/17/2015 REST
Thursday, July 16, 2015
TH, 7/16/2015 EASY
I woke up ridiculously sore. I finally ran about 3:30. I warmed up on the TM for .75 miles. It was windy. I took the usual pitstop. The run was very difficult and my legs feel raw now that I am finished. I did 11 miles at 8:55 and did a neighborhood cool down.
WED, 7/15/2015 TRAIL
DH & I went to the gym & did a leg workout. There is no doubt that I am going to be sore tomorrow.
Tuesday, July 14, 2015
TUE, 7/14/2015 EASY, MORNING
I went inside, drank some water & about 8 oz of coconut water. I used the bathroom and went out for another 5 miles. It was extremely hard to maintain a 9 minute mile.
I ended with a neighborhood cool down.
Total miles=11.5
Monday, July 13, 2015
MON, 7/13/2015 TRAIL
Sunday, July 12, 2015
SUN, 7/12/2015 REST
Saturday, July 11, 2015
SAT, 7/11/2015 LONG
I got up at 6. I had 16 oz. of water, a whole grain bagel & coffee. I thought I had a energy bar bagel, last week, but actually it was whole grain. It was pretty nasty. I smothered it in cream cheese to get it down. Tony and I got out of the house at about 7:40.
We ran our hilly route, slightly faster than last week.
When I got home, I had 8 oz. of coconut water, 8 oz. of water and an electrolyte pill. I headed out and took the long route to the hotel. I had to stop at Pioneer Park to use the facilities, but it was a quick stop.
At the hotel, I had a small box of yogurt raisins and an electrolyte pill. Then, I ran home.
Overall, I felt strong, but it was overcast. The last leg of the run was much faster than last SAT.
Friday, July 10, 2015
FRI, 7/10/2015 REST
Thursday, July 9, 2015
TH, 7/9/2015 HILL
I started out on the TM for a warm up. I went out for part 1 of the route and stopped at home. I did a mile on the TM at an easy pace. Drank some water and took an Endurolyte Extreme, then went out for the rest of the run. My pace was slow. The whole thing was difficult. I'm glad that I don't have to run tomorrow.
Wednesday, July 8, 2015
WED, 7/8/2015 TRAIL
After, I did .5 on the TM and ran rice ranch west. It was windy, and I didn't particularly feel like doing it.
Tuesday, July 7, 2015
TU, 7/7/2015 EASY
Monday, July 6, 2015
MON, 7/6/2015 TRAIL
When we got home, I warmed up on the TM for .75, then I did a mile at an easy pace. Then, I went and picked up Anna, and we all (including the kids) ran the rice Ranch route. My knee didn't hurt while I was running, but continued to hurt at home.
At about 3:00, I took an ibuprofen 800.
Sunday, July 5, 2015
Saturday, July 4, 2015
The energy bar bagel wasn't great tasting, but it was so dense, I imagine that it had great carbohydrates. I will find a way to add a boiled egg next time, maybe even a piece of banana.
I forgot about the yogurt 15 minutes before the run. I'll try that next time.
The coconut milk, after part 1, wasn't very tasty, but doable. I should probably do 8 oz of water (instead of 4) along with the coconut milk.
I need to pack the raisins and pill before I leave, next time. It took too much time to prepare. I need to slice the break time between parts 1 & 2 in half.
SAT, 7/4/2015 LONG
I got back up at 6:30 and had coffee.
My DH and I got out the door about 8:15. The weather was overcast. The run starts up hill, so of course, it was hard, but we went a little faster than last week.
Friday, July 3, 2015
FRI, July 3, 2015 REST
I had a dinner of spaghetti and meatballs with ice cream for desert.
Thursday, July 2, 2015
TH, 7/2/2015 HILL
Wednesday, July 1, 2015
WED, 7/1/2015, TRAIL RUN
Tuesday, June 30, 2015
I really wanted to make 140 miles this month, and I knew that I had to run a couple of miles to pick up DH's car from the gas station, so if I could turn that into a longer run, I might be able to do reach my goal. I did a .5 mile warm-up on the TM, then I did another 1 mile on the TM at an easy pace. I think I started at 8:50 and ended around 8:30. I think I it averaged 8:40, but I can't quite remember.
Monday, June 29, 2015
MON, 6/29/2015 GYM & TRAIL RUN
I went for a run at Rice Ranch. It probably isn't accurate to call it a run. It was more like a run/walk. I did a lot more walking than usual. The weather was clear and sunny, but not particularly hot.
Sunday, June 28, 2015
Here is a race report for a race I ran a couple of weeks ago.
There were many wine stations., but the organizers packed up pretty early. They gave us our keys and bag and shut down the DJ.
Saturday, June 27, 2015
I ran the Tri-the-Bull 5K. It was measured short (2.82). My time was 20:09, but extrapolated out to a real 5K, my time would have been 22:09. I'm running a lot more, but not getting any faster at all. Clearly, I could use some speedwork. I really think that I could have run faster. At no point did I feel like I was desperately, miserable. I placed 2nd female, 1st AG.
When I got home I did the 2.5 neighborhood route, then Tony, and I ran 4.5 near the YMCA. The last 4.5 was, mentally, tough.